The CHX™ System: Introduction | Eliminates Corrosion | Proven Productivity | Engineered to Perform | IFGT System | Improves Efficiency | Steam Plants | Global Warming Breaking the Dew Point Barrier Traditionally, recovering heat from exhaust gas has been economically viable only at temperatures above the acid dew point of the gas. Below this point, cold-end corrosion was inevitable, resulting in premature equipment replacement costs. Now, Condensing Heat Exchanger (CHXTM) technology, using an advanced DuPont fluoropolymer covering, lets you break the dew point barrier, cost-effectively maximizing your heat recovery potential, while at the same time helping to remove gas toxics. Economic and Technical Advantages Advance DuPont fluoropolymer -covered CHXTM condensing heat exchangers offer significant economic advantages over conventional economizers and environmental equipment. The CHXTMsystem:
The Results?
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